Jul 31, 202158 min read
Everything Wrong with the Noah's Ark Story
How scientific and historical evidence demonstrate that the Biblical worldwide flood is not real and possible Just like other children...

May 11, 202112 min read
Why Almost Everyone is Wrong About Being Open-Minded
The Incoherence of the Idea of Supernatural The world is full of unreasonable people. There are people who claim any wishy-washy...

Dec 28, 202026 min read
Christmas in the Eyes of an Atheist
A Non-Believer's Perspective on Celebrating Christmas in the Philippines I can still vividly picture my very first Christmas as an...

Jul 12, 202020 min read
I Took a Political Compass Test, and Here are My Results
Identifying my political spectrum and showing my personal political beliefs Politics is a lot more complicated than you think, and when...

Jul 10, 202031 min read
36 Nonsensical Things People Say to Atheists
A list of things that skeptics and non-believers are sick of hearing from theists who always say it like a broken record If you are an...

Jul 2, 202035 min read
Expanding the Problems of an Omni-God
Elaborating the reasons why an omnipotent and omniscient being does not and cannot exist in the objective external reality So what do we...

Jun 30, 202030 min read
God's Existence and the Null Hypothesis
Discussions about why the lack of evidence alone is already a valid reason to reject the idea of the existence of a deity The existence...

Jun 29, 202036 min read
20 Times When Christopher Hitchens Hitchslapped Someone
Compilations of Hitchens owning and destroying people in debates and interviews "If you're a religious apologist invited to debate...

Jun 27, 202035 min read
Quotes from a Rationalist: The Words of Richard Dawkins
Richard Dawkins (1941-) is a British evolutionary biologist, ethologist, author, science educator, one of the members of the Royal...

Jun 27, 202022 min read
The Wonders of Pragmatic Empirical Rationalism
Demonstrating why science is our best method of finding out what is true in our objective reality Throughout the history, philosophers...

Jun 26, 202023 min read
Quotes from a Skeptic: The Words of Carl Sagan
Carl Sagan (1934-1996) was an American astronomer, planetary scientist, astrophysicist, cosmologist, science educator, and author. He was...